Friday, 17 January 2014


I started with a basic blocky font i found online

Then I began to make slits in the letters 

Then I added a basic grey background, After all the letters and by modified i began to colour them in a similar fashion Brody uses 

I didn't like how light the image was becoming so I made an inverted vignette to break the  background up a little and make it darker.

The background was still very plain so I got an temporary image to work with

Then i added a motion blur to the top and bottom of the background to create a focal point

Now I started adding real content, first off a portrait of one of my favourite artist, Neville Brody,  and a famous quote to follow. I also didn't put him in front of the M in mundane because i was trying to create some depth.

Then I added a proper divider for the header and some more content for the magazine
At this point I needed to create proper background that I made, so keeping with my typography,  I  used one of my favourite quotes that I made,  "Lie to me. Because the truth hurts to much" I repeated this quote across the bottom part of the page, lowered the opacity and added a vignette for the lower section. I also got rid of the Deviant art logo because it felt irrelevant and just there for the sake of filling the page.  

I started working on a creating a mask over the wall of text. 

Now I wanted it to feel more like a magazine rather than just a sheet, so i added a barcode and the body text to give the authentic magazine feel. 

I thought the original text on the body text was,  again, irrelevant to sublime and mundane and was altogether a bit to light hearted. So to remedy this made a few minor changes to the text.
And finally I just cleaned up the image altogether. I moved Brody to the right a bit more because he was encroaching on the spine of the magazine, you don't see it but i actually had to move most things slightly to the right or risk loosing some real-realastate. I also gave the title some depth with shadows. I wasn't happy with how dark the  centre bit of text was, so i moved it around a bit and removed the mask and just slightly lowered the opacity. I changed the Body text again because it wasn't linked with the sublime and mundane title. Lastly i added a depth of field blur to the wall of text.

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